Overview First Companion® Flex-Itrol® Powder is a peppermint-flavored supplement or top-dress comprised of resveratrol, hyaluronic acid and yeast that aids in maximizing joint mobility and muscle functionality in horses.

  • For horses only
  • To maximize joint and muscle performance, feed recommended amounts equally throughout each day as a top-dress to feed
  • 25 cc scoop included
  • Initial starting dose: 30 g per day (2 scoops*) for the first seven days
  • Maintenance Horses: 7.5 g per day ( 1/2 scoop*) for horses not in training or competition
  • Performance Horses: 15 g per day (1 scoop*) for horses that are in light, medium and heavy training, hauling and/or aged horses
  • *scoop equal to 25 cc