Overview The Ehmer Sling is a superior, comfortable, easy-to-use alternative to bandaging.

  • Machine washable and reusable for multiple patients
  • Eliminates trauma to skin caused by traditional bandaging methods
  • Can be used for either hind limb

Indications for use include:

  • Post-closed reduction of craniodorsal coxofemoral luxations
  • Post-open reduction of craniodorsal coxofemoral luxations
  • Post-operative management of acetabular, femoral head and neck and certain femoral fractures
  • Prevention of quadriceps tie-down following internal fixation of femoral shaft, supracondylar or distal physeal fractures in immature dogs
  • To prevent weight bearing of the hind limb
  • To encourage weight bearing in the contralateral limb for rehabilitative therapy

Sling For Vest

Sling With Vest