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JorVet, in conjunction with Dr. Don Bliss, has developed several species-specific fecal assay kits. Dr. Bliss is a noted parasitologist from Wisconsin who has lectured extensively throughout the world on parasite control.

  • Kits contain everything a veterinarian or a trained lay person would need to do a large number of fecal exams at a time
  • Does not include a microscope or centrifuge

Contains: 1 (1 gallon) Sheather’s sugar solution, 1 dosing syringe for fecal solution, microscope slides and coverslips, pet mitts for stool collection, contrate filters, 1 wash bottle, 1 fecal assay strainer, 1 test tube rack, 1 handheld tally counter, centrifuge tubes, 1 surgical scissors, tongue depressors for stirring, 1 colored small animal parasite poster, 1 fecal assay bucket and Dixie cups Application: Fecal Testing, Fecal Collection For Animal Type: Small Animals, Dog, Cat