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      10 Stats that Will 100% Convince You to Start Texting Your Clients

      Every vet practice knows that putting the client first is essential to both current success and future growth. But “putting the customer first” isn’t merely a task that can be checked off a list of to-do’s. Rather, it requires ongoing attention and a willingness to constantly evolve to meet the ever-changing preferences of your clients.

      One preference that seems to shift particularly often is the way clients want to receive communication. While physical mail, email, and phone calls will never go away, there’s a new game in town and an overwhelming amount of today’s clients prefer it…texting! Seem too casual? Perhaps even unprofessional? It’s time to toss those notions out the door, because these numbers don’t lie. The following 10 percentages come from survey data gathered by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and OpenMarket, and we’re confident they’ll 100% convince you: it’s time to start texting your clients!

      1. 97% of Americans use…

      Anecdotally it seems like “everyone” has a smartphone these days, but according to data they really do! A whopping 97% of Americans use text messaging. And they don’t just use it sparingly – the average American spends 158 minutes of each and every day on their smartphone or tablet.

      2. 50% of the American workforce will be…

      In two short years, by the year 2020, millennials will account for 50% of the American workforce. So whether you love the fresh perspective they bring to the country’s culture, or love to poke fun at this anti-breakfast cereal generation, one thing is clear: their preferences will have a real impact on your business’s bottom line. Plus, millennials now make up the largest segment of pet owners, according to the American Pet Products Association. So, what they think matters. Which brings us to our third statistic…

      3. 75% of millennials think…

      75% of millennials think that text is a helpful way to receive appointment reminders. It doesn’t get much more straightforward than that, right? In fact, at 51%, over half of millennials already do receive general appointment reminders via text.

      4. 64% of people prefer…

      64% of people prefer text over voice as a customer service channel. The most commonly cited reasons for this among millennials specifically, is that text messages are more convenient, fit their schedules better, and are less disruptive than voice calls. Furthermore, 19% of millennials don’t check their voicemails. Sounds like texting would be a great way to decrease client no-shows.

      5. 6000% increase in efficiency by…

      It takes 90 minutes for a response to an average email, and only 90 seconds for a response to an average text message. That means you could increase your communication efficiency by 6000% via text messaging! What’s more, the response rate to a text message is 8x higher than the response rate to an email. More effective messaging and more time back on your clock = a win-win.

      6. 90% of text messages are…

      What happens as a result of our cell phones being practically glued to our hips every day? Text messages are really hard to ignore. 90% of text messages are read within three minutes.

      7. 77% of consumers age 18-34 will…

      They say that “perception is reality,” right? Well if that’s the case, the time to start texting patients is now: 77% of consumers aged 18-34 will have a more positive perception of a company that has text messaging capabilities.

      8. Customers are 28% more likely to recommend you if…

      Customers are 28% more likely to recommend a company to friends if it offers a text messaging capability. Your clients won’t be shy in spreading the word about your business if you take steps to prioritize convenience!

      9. 75% would pay more for…

      75% of consumers would pay more for a better customer experience. And of that majority, 89% would go to a competitor if they didn’t get it. Here again, we see how client preferences can directly move the needle on the financial health of your practice.

      10. 30% of clients prefer…

      30% of people who have made a trip to the vet in the last 2.5 years say that text messages are their preferred method of appointment reminder, making it the most popular response. This was followed by email at 28%, phone at 25% and direct mail at 17%. If your clients already prefer to receive text appointment reminders, then they are becoming accustomed to it and may soon expect it from you as well.

      So now that you’re 100% on-board with sending text communication to your clients, what’s the next step? Taking your cell phone out of your pocket, adding hundreds of new contacts, and starting a manual process? Heck no! Clients aren’t the only ones who value ease and convenience – we know you do, too. Rather, ePetHealth offers Text on Demand so you can text your clients directly from your computer and keep your cell phone number private. It’s a simple, time-efficient way to follow up with clients to let them know their pet’s status in a way that doesn’t interrupt a meeting or family time. Discover more about how ePetHealth and Text on Demand can work for your practice.


      How do you feel about texting your clients? Let us know by filling out a contact form!
