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      6 Habits Veterinarians Should Develop in 2018 for Better Work-Life Balance

      As we welcome the New Year and ring in new resolutions, have you considered making work-life balance a priority in 2018? With job stress and burnout a serious reality for many veterinarians, finding solutions to alleviate that stress is paramount to your health. Are you physically, emotionally or mentally exhausted? Do you lack the energy to be productive on a consistent basis? Are you experiencing headaches or other physical symptoms? Are you putting in long hours at work, sacrificing your personal life?

      The New Year is a great time to reflect, reset and recharge – and reap the rewards of a happier, healthier you. Here are 6 habits to consider when striving to develop a better work-life balance in 2018.

      1. Set clear priorities

      The smallest investment of your time and energy in the right places can make a world of difference. Start reflecting on your goals and what is most important in your life. Is it nurturing relationships with family and friends? How about living a healthier lifestyle? Do you want to expand your professional expertise? You can have it all, but you can’t have it all at once. It’s time to prioritize!

      2. Learn to say no

      Saying “no” is hard to do. After all, your life’s work is centered around being a compassionate human being who cares for beloved pets. When you set boundaries and learn to say “no” to those things that don’t really matter, you’re actually saying “yes” to the most important things in your home and work life.

      3. Delegate tasks to employees

      When it comes to running an efficient veterinary clinic, empowering your support team is a win-win. Your vet techs should prep animals for surgery, update patient records and handle routine client interactions. Don’t forget to explain your processes so your techs understand what you are doing and why you are doing it.

      4. Transition from work, to home

      Try your best to unplug from work when you leave the clinic. If it’s been a particularly stressful day, schedule an activity you enjoy to smooth over the transition from work to home. Love a good kick boxing class? Make a pit stop at the gym on the way home. Do you enjoy experimenting with new recipes? Pull out your spatula and apron and get cooking! Whatever makes it easier for you to clear your mind and de-stress, do it!

      5. Work smarter, not harder

      Optimize your time at the clinic by working smarter, not harder. There aren’t enough hours in the day as you provide medical care to animals, advise owners on animal health and sanitation, document actions, write reports and participate in professional development opportunities. VetSuccess, a data management solution, makes your life easier by automatically generating reports that give you insight on key performance indicators so that you can grow and improve your practice. 

      6. Take the paperless plunge

      A little nervous about switching your clinic to a paperless platform? If you take the paperless plunge, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t do it sooner! Client records easily accessible to all your team members? Check. Appointments scheduled seamlessly? Check again. Ability to leave work on time? More likely. IntraVet lets you manage your entire practice with one system and personalize it for the way that you work.

      There’s no single solution for achieving the perfect work-life balance, but taking a few steps in the right direction can lead you to a happier and more stress-free 2018. Good luck and Happy New Year!
