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      World Turtle Day 2020 Brings Good News for Sea Turtles


      Good news for sea turtles

      World Turtle Day brings us a little good news. Because of shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders, researchers are finding sea turtle nests in record numbers on beaches in Thailand and Florida. A silver lining during the COVID-19 storm.


      In Florida, baby turtles will hatch out in late October, and researchers will be able to measure the success of the hatch. Less plastic and pollution, as well as fewer people and cars, are primary reasons for this potential baby boom.


      Good news for lots of animals

      Across the planet, bears, foxes, alligators, even salamanders are traversing roads and migrating freely. This global free ranging was summed up a Yosemite National Park ranger and wildlife biologist: The animals are “having a party.”


      Companion animals have also been affected by the quarantine. With people spending more time at home, cats and dogs have been adopted in record numbers. People have signed up to foster animals in record numbers, too.


      Helping endangered sea turtles

      The Texas Sealife Center is a nonprofit located in Corpus Christi, Texas, dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of coastal and aquatic wildlife.


      Dr. Tim Tristan founded the center in 2011, recognizing the need for additional wildlife support in South Texas and the growing number of animals that are admitted to wildlife centers in the U.S. annually. The center helps injured sea turtles, owls, pelicans, gulls and migratory birds.


      Dr. Tristan, his team and dedicated volunteers have rescued and released hundreds of turtles to date. They’ve rescued endangered green sea turtles, loggerheads, hawksbills, Kemp’s ridleys and leatherbacks.


      Last year on World Turtle Day, Patterson Veterinary’s NaVetor practice management system announced a partnership with the Texas Sealife Center. For every practice that purchased the NaVetor software, a donation would be made in their name to the Texas Sealife Center.


      One year later, we’ve donated nearly $5,000 to the center to support the rehabilitation of sea turtles. Veterinary practices that have migrated (pun intended) to NaVetor have enabled this donation, as well as trade show participation. Thank you to all the practices that helped NaVetor make this donation!


      Life these days

      Much has changed recently and so has the way care can be delivered to patients. NaVetor can help streamline your workflow, with boarding included at no extra fee and a mobile app to help from curbside check-in to writing prescriptions, creating invoices, processing payments and check-out. You can navigate your day just as easily as a sea turtle navigates the ocean. And you can help injured sea turtles, too. Visit to take a deeper dive.
