Experts Weigh In: 3 Tips for Purchasing Digital X-ray Equipment
1. Research all options
Comparing different options and features is a crucial step in the process of finding the right digital X-ray system for your practice. Image quality, delivery and installation, warranty, and ongoing support are key areas to explore, but there is plenty more to consider. Working with an equipment specialist can be a greatly beneficial way to kick start your process of digital digging.
More on digital X-ray purchase considerations here, in this short clip:
2. Spotlight on software
Software is a crucial element of any complete digital X-ray system. Be sure to demo software programs to make sure the usability meets your practice’s needs and meshes with your desired workflow. Efficiency and ease-of-use are two central points to focus on during any software demo. Does the software integrate with your existing practice software? Do you have ownership of your images? Are there cloud storage solutions included? Can you access and share your images at any time? These are some of the questions to think about when weighing out software options.
More on what makes a great digital imaging software here, in this short clip:
3. Proper placement helps workflow
Whether you are building a new practice or incorporating digital equipment and technology into an existing practice, the placement of your X-ray room can absolutely help streamline workflow and increase efficiencies. The same holds true for the placement of the actual X-ray system in clinic. Whether it’s accommodating an incoming emergency patient, or creating a better flow from imaging to surgery, placement can help streamline many aspects of a clinic’s workflow. Lastly, proper placement can also save expense when it comes to shielding.
More on equipment placement here, in this short clip:
Digital X-ray is a great diagnostic tool to increase diagnosis and treatment for your patients, and we are always happy and available to help answer any questions you may have about this technology. Get in touch with our equipment specialists online, over the phone, or in-person at any time.