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      Another way to show, don't tell

      We recently found that a video we use as a demo for DIA, our Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, went viral when “Veterinary Medicine Videos” shared it on their Facebook page. (Thank you, Veterinary Medicine Videos!) It’s a fascinating look at gastric dilatation-volvulus, also known as gastric dilation or GDV.

      If you put yourself in your client’s shoes and say “It looks like gastric dilation,” you will probably be met with a blank stare. If you say “It looks like volvulus with torsion,” you will probably get the same blank stare. If you say “bloat,” they will probably think of how they feel after a Thanksgiving meal. Getting warmer. But if you show them the digital image of their pet’s condition as well as show them this video, they may find it icky, but they will definitely understand what’s going on with their pet.


      A reminder about early education

      We know that if volvulus with torsion happens once, it will likely and unfortunately happen again. So, keeping in mind that it affects large, deep-chested dogs like shepherds, boxers, Great Danes and Labradors, a talk about prevention is in order upon the first appointment, hopefully from puppyhood on, with tips like:

      • Avoid feeding one large meal per day
      • Limit exercise immediately after feeding
      • Feed a high-quality, low protein diet


      DI + DIA

      Showing your client gastric dilation with a digital X-ray is a perfect way to show what’s going on in their poor pet’s stomach. Comparing it to what a normal stomach looks like would also be helpful. If the gastric dilation has progressed to volvulus with torsion, a 2D image may not shed enough light on the diagnosis. That’s where DIA comes in, with a 3D medically illustrated video that clearly shows what has their pet’s stomach tied up in knots.

      It’s also helpful to let clients know that taking care of it through gastropexy will prevent future issues. “We had a severe case of gastric dilation at a clinic where I worked,” said Shay Guerrero, a Patterson technical service coordinator. “It was a German shepherd named Casey. He had never had issues before. But once Casey’s family was fully educated, they decided to do the surgery. Casey did great. But without seeing it, they just don’t believe.”

      It turns out, the combo of digital imaging plus DIA is a powerful way to show your clients more than ever. We invite you to visit this page on our website to learn more about DIA!
