Effortless data analysis gives you insights to improve your practice

Automatically collate data and get easy-to-read reports for key metrics in running your practice. Our partner Vetsource Data & Insights makes it easy. The program works with your practice management software to save you and your team several hours each month, gathering, collating and analyzing data.
Well-designed reports are easy to read so you can put together next steps and take action. Vetsource Data & Insights also has certified veterinary practice managers who can consult one on one with you, followed by a report with recommendations.
Contact us for data analysis
Choose which report works for your practice

Practice Overview Report (POR)
Get an immediate, visual picture of your practice key performance indicators with the monthly POR, which includes actionable performance benchmarks against practices similar to yours. Revenue in report is aligned with industry-approved AAHA/VMG chart of accounts and Vetsource revenue is included, if that is your home delivery provider. POR also includes a monthly lapsing patient report with full contact details for clients and patients who haven’t been into your practice in 14-18 months. Keep a pulse on new, lost and reactivated clients and your own practice's trend over the last 2 years.
Compliance Tracker (CT)                                            
This highly interactive monthly report provides a laser-focused picture of preventive compliance in your practice. Filters, trendlines, benchmarks and bonus appendices make it easy to see how well your individual doctors and your practice overall are doing with every preventive care protocol.

Daily Dashboard
Interactive dashboards provide a single view of your most critical data and rich, actionable insights. Data is aggregated regardless of individual practice management software or shared servers. Key revenue metrics are updated daily and let you drill into different time periods, providers and revenue categories to complement and take you beyond your monthly reports. Drill into different time periods, providers and revenue categories with one click.

RETRIEVER email program
This automated email program does the work for you with a series of three emails sent to clients with lapsing patients who have had no transactions in your practice for 14, 16 and 18 months, encouraging them to bring their pet in for a wellness exam.
On average, practices earn more than $8,000 in revenue from “retrieved” patients in 8 months!
Your membership includes a free 30-minute onboarding session. Sign up now     for Vetsource Data & Insights.

Patterson Booster Package (POR + CT + Retriever)
Choose any 2 Package
Individual Options
The Vetsource Data & Insights Daily Dashboard
$127/month per practice
Vetsource Data & Insights​ Reports
View samples of reports generated by Vetsource Data & Insights.

Practice Overview Report
Chart of Accounts
Compliance Tracker
Daily Dashboard